Blogger BlogNet56630

Understanding Halo Wars - A Departure

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The fourth installment of the series is set for release in February 2009. However, the game will be considerably different from its predecessors. Gamers anxious to find out what the game will be like will find those details right here.

While the Halo franchise was founded on the Master Chief and the first person shooter platform, Halo Wars deviates from that path significantly. In fact, the Master Chief is not the main character at all. To take it a step further, the Master Chief is not even the only Spartan any longer. The game takes place more than 20 years prior to the events in the original Halo, revolving around the human crew of the Spirit of Fire.

In addition, the game is no longer a first person shooter. The new iteration is, in fact, a real-time strategy game. Before you chuck your controller out the window in despair, read on. The game's development, including the control system, is significantly different from other RTS type games.

For instance, there is a reduced focus on resource gathering and development. That means that the game's true focus is on battle management (winning). In addition, the control system has been simplified to the point that you can use it effectively with a game controller. The A button is the main control for the entire game. Players use the A button to select single units, all units of the same type or use the "paintbrush" mode to select units in a specific area.

In addition to those changes, players will be able to play the Covenant, at least in skirmishes. Whether the Covenant will be a full player faction or not has not been confirmed, but it has been confirmed that players will be able to control Covenant units in at least some instances. The Flood again makes an appearance, as well. Unlike the Covenant, there has been no mention of whether they will be player-controlled, though rumors abound.

John Hall - A hardcore gamer since 1982. Atari 2600 was that first gaming console I owned. Want to receive a Free copy of Halo Wars (not yet released) and a Free XBox360 gaming console, visit

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