Blogger BlogNet56630

Is Your Blog Set Up Properly?


If you are already using WordPress as your online blogging system, I'm sure that you are familiar with how effective it can be. Even so, many of us are missing a few simple steps that can make all of the difference between us earning a little bit of hobby money with our blog and earning a living. It doesn't matter if you have been writing to your blog for quite some time, making the changes in the settings that are necessary to increase its profitability can make a difference in how much it is earning you as well.

Of course, it is always a good idea to make sure that the blog is set up properly from the start. After all, this will help keep you from having to make any changes that are necessary in order to bring it into compliance. There are several settings that exist in the backend of the blog that make a difference in the linking structure as well as how successfully the blog will be recognized by the search engines. Don't allow these things to chance if you want to earn as much as possible from your blog. Step-by-step guides are available to walk you through the process, make good use of them.

I've seen a lot of blogs lately that just tend to use the default WordPress theme. Although it certainly is possible for you to make some money by having your blog set up this way, you are really only about two minutes away from increasing the profitability of your blog many times over. There are hundreds of different themes that are available for WordPress and almost every one of them is free to download. All you really need to do is upload them and then check one setting in the backend of the blog in order to enable this feature. You may also be able to configure it to a certain extent but make sure that you have some direction before you decide to do this.

Finally, you should be making good use of the add-ons that are available within the WordPress system. I'm talking about stepping outside of the boundaries a little bit and going beyond the Hello Dolly add-on that is available by default. There are plenty of these little scripts that help to automate a lot of our blogging chores, freeing us up to be able to take care of other marketing responsibilities. As long as you are adding the proper add-ons to your blog, you would be surprised with how much more you can accomplish.

Diane Sweeney is a successful internet marketer who specializes in promoting affiliate products with WordPress blogs.

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Blogger BlogNet56630: Nov 5, 2008

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