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Ground Covers to Beautify and Reduce Maintenance in Your Landscape


Grass is a wonderful solution to many landscaping problems, however in many cases a ground cover other than grass is desirable. Foundation plantings, banks and shady places often require something other than grass. Good covers are hardy and dependable, easy to care for, inexpensive and compete well against weeds. Usually the choice of ground cover will depend heavily on the characteristics of the area that needs covering.

Ground Covers for Different Types of Areas

For banks, open sunny areas, or areas where a large, high cover is desirable, wild trailing rose with its white blossom is very popular. Wild rose makes a thick mat of foliage 2 feet off the ground. Also in sunny places, various forms of juniper work well (e.g., creeping juniper, which is long, low and spreading; Waukegan juniper, blue-gray except in winter, when it is purple, and Sargent juniper, a dense green type) form a mat 8 to 20 feet high. All are attractive either pruned or in a natural state.

For areas in deep or light shade, there are evergreen vines such as the Baltic ivy and Pachysandra, Periwinkle with its blue-and-white spring flowers, and Plumbago which has brilliant blue flowers in the fall. English ivy is good for the shady north side of buildings. For soil that is too sandy for shrubs there is Scotch broom, which bears yellow blooms. Other covers include Hay-Scented Fern, Sandwort, Lily of the Valley, Maiden Pink, Winter-Creeper Thyme and Phlox.

Some Ground Covers to Avoid

Suggestions are often made for ground covers which can take the place of grass for lawn, but such covers are usually much more difficult to maintain than grass is, even though it is claimed they do not require mowing. Among he ones that are suggested are Chamomile, Sandwort, Pearlwort and Dicondra.

Chamomile is a flowering perennial used in medieval times for turf, and while fragrant and soft, it is also untidy and weak. Sandwort, which has rather fleshy leaves with a smooth surface grows 1 inch long and must be kept mowed to remove the seed stalks.

Pearlwort, which has to be watered freely, is only practical in a hot, humid climate; and unfortunately it is a haven for grubs, moths, beetles and sow bugs. Dicondra, a low-creeping herb used on the West Coast for ground cover, is considered a weed by many people, and while easy to grow, does not stand up well against abuse.

Learn more about landscape planning and design by visiting, a popular landscaping website that offers information, tips and free landscaping resources and advice.

Landscaping Wilmington

The Deal With Virtual Dedicated Servers


Virtual dedicated servers make use of the features of dedicated hosting and shared hosting servers. The best thing about this is that virtual dedicated servers are far inexpensive than physical dedicated servers, although they also offer the various capabilities of a dedicated hosting.

In any virtual dedicated server, any customer can have a considerable access to the operating system. The system is likewise compatible with any software program installed by the client on the operating system.

But there are limitations in having a virtual dedicated server. For one, a few software programs could not run efficiently in a virtual environment such as firewalls, anti-virus applications, among others. The limitations are likewise dependent on the virtual service providers. These limitations are far fewer than what you can have on a share web hosting company. Because the number of customers that run on a virtual environment is significantly superior, limitations such as execution of the processor and the disk space abound.

Most of the time, virtual private servers have better security. They are also more geared for update testing. One can use a virtual dedicated partition in hosting live site as well as other partition for testing purposes.

Another advantage of virtual dedicated servers is that it allows any kind of software to run despite it having security limitations, while not putting the remainder of the server at risk.

These are the advantages of hosting on any virtual dedicated server. There are also many hosting providers that offer this kind of hosting.

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Forum Hosting


For new users, free phpBB hosting is one solution, However you must consider what sort of expectations you have. Hidden opportunity costs are an important thing to remember when searching for free phpBB forum hosting. Always do research before signing up with a hosting company.A free php forum hosting service will cost nothing, however many people who originally thought they wanted a free phpBB forum hosting provider change their mind after researching it. There are hosting companies that offer phpBB hosting for a few dollars a month.

Most free phpBB forum hosting services only support the database that runs the forum and do not act as a web host for your general web presence needs. Thus, if you need to host a website along with a phpBB forum, think about whether you need a low cost phpBB forum hosting solution rather than a free phpBB Forum hosting companies.

Usually, the reason why a company can offer free phpBB forum hosting in the first place is because they know a certain number of free customers will convert to paid customers. Often you have to transfer away from a free phpBB forum hosting companies because you exceed their limits, you will end up possibly paying an over charged fee and having to experience a forum outage while your website is transferred to a new hosting company.

In respect to the disadvantages of the free website forum hosting and as far as free website forum hosting is concerned, most of the users face unsatisfactory service when dealing with the free website forum hosts. In addition, free website forum hosts are also known as unreliable, and do not have the same software that paid customers receive.

Given that Linux web hosting has dropped sharply in the past year, you can now buy affordable phpBB forum hosting, obviously you would get more features than you would from strictly free phpBB forum hosting. In some cases these companies charge a fee for their hosting plan and then offer free phpBB forum hosting support with that plan.

There are many powerful features and tools available on forums that are relatively unknown to the average user. Also forum hosts will use contextual advertising such as Google Adsense to provide some form of income. Also Forum hosting is a way to support user-generated content. Finally forums are a great place for anyone looking to run an online discussion area for their hobby, gaming community or to discuss the latest news and events.

Mary Lewis

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Blogger BlogNet56630: Aug 21, 2008

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