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Cold Sore Treatments You Need To Know


Cold sore treatments are essentially categorized into two broad groups, over-the-counter (OTC) medications and creams, and home cold sore remedies. In this article, we will look at OTC medications as well as home remedies for cold sores available for our use.

In case you do not know, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Even this virus has two types, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is the one that normally causes facial cold sores, though Type 2 has also been reported to cause sores on our face too even though it is mainly responsible for genital sores. Though huge investments have been poured into researching for a cure for cold sores, unfortunately, the medical industry has yet to be able to formulate a complete cold sore treatment to eliminate cold sores. What we have in the market are only medications and creams that can soothe the pain and bring itch relief and in some cases, quicken the healing process. Natural cold sore treatment seems to have answers to curing cold sores but as there have not been conclusive medical researches done in this area, only those who have benefited personally can testify of their effectiveness.

Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications and Creams

As mentioned, such a form of cold sore treatment is primarily intended to alleviate the pain, itchiness and discomfort to the sufferer. There are others that have antiviral and antibiotic properties that inhibit the cold sore lesion development and accelerate the healing process.

1. You can easily find products containing docosanol, benzocaine, lidocaine, camphor, zinc, lysine, tetracaine or phenol off the shelf that are effective against cold sores.

2. Lip balms containing the compound petrolatum are pretty effective moisturizers. They prevent cold sores from peeling, cracking and bleeding and offer pain relief.

Home Remedies for Cold Sores

Cold sore remedies are cheap and easy to prepare cold sore treatments.

1. Applying ice at first sign of tingling for about 20 minutes and repeated applications throughout the day is effective in slowing the cold sore lesion development.

2. Topical medication containing zinc is useful

3. Applying tea bags on your cold sores is another effective cold sore treatment. As tea contains tannic acid which is antiviral, the herpes simplex virus is suppressed.

4. L-lysine (2 to 4 g) may be consumed daily under the advice of your doctor.

These are some useful cold sore treatment methods. To learn more about how to cure your cold sores naturally with effective cold sore treatment and remedies, visit my blog.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Learn more about effective cold sore treatments and how you can cure cold sores naturally and easily from home in 3 days at


Using Natural Medicine for Health


Having patients live a life full of health and vitality is the goal of practitioners of natural medicine. In a day when going to the doctor seems to be more about treating symptoms and getting a prescription than promoting health, experts in natural medicine work diligently to change this paradigm. These healers understand the intimate relationship between the body, mind, and spirit. They take time to get to know their patients, they treat the whole person, and they empower their patients to implement healthy lifestyle changes.

But who can you trust? Who is qualified and knowledgeable? Having a qualified expert in natural medicine is a great way stay healthy and strong, but it is important to work with the best. The following are a few of the many amazing types of natural medicine available today.

* Chiropractic- Doctors of Chiropractic, or DC's, work closely with the alignment of the vertebrae. By correcting subluxations (misalignments) of the vertebrae, Chiropractors rebalance the flow of energy through the spine and nerves and thereby improve the health of the internal organs and the body as a whole. Chiropractic was founded by DD Palmer in 1895 and has grown steadily since. Nutrition, supplements, exercise, and physical rehabilitation are other areas of focus for chiropractors as they seek to bring optimal health to their patients.

* Naturopathic Medicine - Naturopathic medicine is based on six guiding principles. These principles are: First do no harm, Honor the healing power of nature, The doctor is a teacher, Identify and treat the cause of a disease, Treat the whole person, and Prevention is the best cure. Guided by these principles, Naturopathic doctors are well-trained experts in the field of natural medicine. Naturopathic doctors have many tools to use including, herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements, physical exams, blood and lab work, and stress management. Their approach is holistic and empowering for anyone who wants to take charge of their own health. Qualified Naturopathic doctors, have graduated from accredited four-year post-graduate programs.

* Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - An ancient, but extremely relevant system of healing is Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. For thousands of years the Chinese have recognized the power of nature and the complex interwoven relationship of the amazing human body. By recognizing the interaction between nature and the individual, TCM practitioners employ treatments that seek balance. Specifically they work with the flow of Qi (pronounced Chee) through the body. Qi flows through pathways called meridians and is vital for life. Using acupuncture, herbal remedies, nutrition, and meditation, TCM practitioners balance the flow of Qi and treat a myriad of health concerns.

* Homeopathy - Homeopathy has been widely used in Europe, India, and the US for over 150 years. Based on the idea that "like cures like", homeopathy stimulates the body's innate healing ability with extremely dilute remedies. Practitioners of homeopathy take detailed case histories for each patient and match a remedy to each unique individual. It is a deep and powerful method of healing with beautiful results.

Natural medicine is on the rise and there are many amazing practitioners available. These forms of medicine are about patient empowerment and recognizing the beauty that is all around us. No longer are doctor's visits just about disease and pharmaceutical medication. Instead they can be about evolving, growing, and enjoying optimal wellness. It is an exciting new paradigm for health.

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A Big Expense Made Less Painful


A vacation can be a big expense. To cancel a vacation can be an even bigger expense. That is why it is important to buy the right kind of travel insurance in order to ensure you do not end up paying not to take a holiday.

When we plan a vacation, we often do not think of all the little details which could end up as a cause to cancel the whole trip. Things such as illness or an accident might result in trip cancellation. Moreover, you might get sick or injured while in a foreign country, in which case it is absolutely vital to prepare for this unfortunate circumstance in order to reduce the risk of being caught off guard.

Before buying an insurance policy for your trip, you must know that different sorts of trips call for different sorts of travel insurance. For instance, a family of four will be best served by a policy that offers protection against anyone in the family getting sick or injured. As any parent knows, a sick child can turn a hotel room into a hospital pretty quickly and end up costing mom and dad money as well as a good time. Family vacations tend to involve a lot of risk as there is more than one person who can run into trouble and ruin the vacation whereas a youth traveling in a group or alone need only worry about themselves.

There are five basic aspects to travel insurance: trip cancellation, travel medical, travel major medical, emergency medical evacuation and accidental death. The type of trip you are on will often determine what type of insurance you will need. If you are not traveling outside the country, emergency evacuation is probably unnecessary as it is major medical insurance. For domestic trips, most common type of insurance is trip cancellation as it is easy to foresee any number of circumstances where trips might be canceled. In large countries such as the United States and Canada, a plane, train or bus ticket can be cross-continental and very expensive, so some insurance against an abrupt cancellation can help guard against losing your ticket entirely.

Medical Insurance, as we have seen, is usually important only when traveling to a foreign destination. In particular, for people accustomed to the temperate climate of most states and provinces, a trip to nations closer to the equator can result in exposure to a host of diseases to which our immune systems are not well adapted. For these types of trips, major travel insurance Canada is an absolute must, as the risk of illness is great.

In addition to these basic travel insurance plans, there are now specialized plans for specialized travel. Business travel often involves tight deadlines and appointments which, if they are missed, can render the whole trip a waste of time. Also, as companies often need to send a team of people, there are group travel insurance rates available. For those who plan to stay a long time in a foreign country, there are specialized expatriate travel insurance policies available that cover the risk incurred from a long stay away from the relative safety and security of North America. For participants in extreme sports, such as mountain climbing or base jumping, be careful to check that you policy does not exempt you from benefits for undertaking such dangerous activities.

Pucher Insurance is an independent broker representing all the major insurance companies. If you are traveling within or from Canada, then you should invest in Canadian travel insurance and possible even Canadian medical insurance to protect you and your family from potentially excessive travel and medical related fees.

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How do you know when you are paying in cheap dollars? It's when you're paying your dentist through a cheap dental insurance plan or a plan that gives you deep discounts.

But there's really no need to feel guilty or to even think of yourself as cheap if you're shelling out practically nothing for all the hard work that your dentist did - he certainly won't go broke that way.

To be a dentist in America is to have a work-for-hard ticket to becoming a millionaire. If we go by known figures, an orthodontist earn on the average $365,000 annually for a 35-hour week. Dental schools have been blamed for this phenomenon - they've been accused of intentionally keeping the supply of professional orthodontists low so professional fees can be high (as if the schools are earning commissions from their graduates).

Orthodontists are specialists in the field of dentistry - they manipulate the alignment of teeth, among other things. General dentists earn less than their orthodontic counterparts, precisely because orthodontists need to undergo two years of specialized training. While the average orthodontist earns $149 per hour, the general dentist earns $92 per hour.

The cost of dental fees alone is enough reason for anyone to take a cheap dental insurance plan or a dental discount plan. Keep in mind the differences between the two: with dental insurance there are premiums to be paid and paperwork to be processed, but there are practically no out-of-pocket expenses except for the deductible fee.

With a dental discount plan, there are none of the hassles associated with insurance. However, keep in mind that with these types of plans, even if you pay the annual fee to the plan provider, you will only be offered discounts on professional fees.

Ray Singh is an insurance agent operating in practically all states of the United States through his website

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Insurance Rental Apartment


When you want to rent your apartment, then you require renters insurance. This insurance will cover yourself and also cover any damage arising to your personal property.

Your apartment owner might have insured the building but that will not cover your property. You must have apartment rental insurance to cover your property. Danger to your property may arise out of Vandalism, Theft, Smoke or fire.

You will have to research so that you can find cheap apartment rental insurance. You can start your search from the cyberspace. There are many sites from where you can take insurance online or you can get quotes from different insurers.

You can carry out the following:

  • You can compare the different quotes which you get.
  • You will have to find if the company selected by you are trustworthy.
  • Select the best quote.

Bear in mind the following cost savings tips when you go in for apartment rental insurance.
You will have to find out from your rental insurers if you already have one for other property, if you can get discount for multi policy assurance. For example if you have your auto assurance then you can claim discount for your apartment assurance also. At the same time you can claim discount on your motor assurance also.

You will also have to check if the insurance company whom you select gives you discounts for non-smoking. You will have to check for discount to non-smoker's or senior's discount. You can insure your apartment with the insurer who gives you the maximum discount.

You will have to find whether your apartment is qualified for discounts on security. Some of the insurance company give discount for some security features on rental houses like smoke detectors, burglar alarms and deadbolts.

Your deductible should be as high as can be. Deductibles are amounts which you pay for a claim even before your insurance agent pays anything. The more your deductible is the less your premium will be on your rental property.

The author is a prolific freelance writer. His clients include some of the biggest names in the writing industry. He is an expert in all the different forms of the written word and specifically in content for the web. He is the owner and CEO of WritersInc Writing Solutions and can be reached at

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Blogger BlogNet56630: Sep 3, 2008

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