Blogger BlogNet56630

3 Plus 1 Steps to a Successful Podcast


Podcasts open up opportunities for marketers and content publishers in unique ways that has never been available before. They are suitable to support existing business or as an independent content distribution channel.

Marketers can use podcasts to disseminate different type of content to promote their business. Content publishers use podcasts to become a recognize authority in the topic they are publishing in.

As with any marketing technologies, people are often offended by the technical details to get them work. Podcasting is no different.

Fortunately, you can use this fact to your own advantage. If you can follow step by step instructions and take a bit of time to learn how to do it, you can have a competitive advantage over others in the industry.

Learning how to podcast is really not difficult. It only involves 3 steps to start from scratch to finish, and one additional step to get audience.

Here are the 4Ps to a successful podcast:

1. Plan your podcast.

How do you know which path to follow is you have no plan? This part is the answer to identifying the purpose and goal of your podcast. Think of ways you can levarege existing content and engage listeners.

Get into some details on where the podcast fits in as part of your sales process, or how you want to monetize the podcast.

2. Produce your podcast.

Anyone can start recording a podcast by using simple podcast equipment like microphone or portable recording device.

The recording can then be edited using free audio editing software to cut out unwanted segments, add music, and so on.

3. Publish your podcast.

What makes a podcast different from existing digital media publishing is the fact that in a podcast, publishers must create a separate podcast-compatible RSS feed so podcatching software would be able to notice new podcasts, the location, size and type of the podcast file.

The process of creating podcast feed and publishing episode notes could be made simple and mostly automated by using a blog.

4. Promote your podcast.

Now that you have your own podcast show, all you want to do is promote, promote and promote. You want as many targeted listeners as possible for your podcast.

There are no use of a podcast without an audience. The effort of recording and publishing a podcast is the same if you have 5 or 5,000 listeners. Anyone would want the latter rather than the former.

For later podcast episodes, you need to follow the exact plan but this time start with planning on each individual episode instead of the strategy of the whole show.

A podcast allows marketers and content publishers to tap into the power of audio to convey messages including emotion right to the audience. Used properly, it can be a powerful tool to add to your marketing mix, or as an independent content publishing channel.

Copyright Marketing Loop & Hendry Lee.

Do you want to learn more about podcast creation and marketing? Have you considered podcasts as part of your business and marketing mix but are confused about the strategy?

Download your free 3-step podcasting guide and business case for podcasting from

Get comprehensive tutorial on how to plan and start your own podcast here: podcast tutorial

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Blogger BlogNet56630: Aug 7, 2008

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