Blogger BlogNet56630

Keeping Personal With a Business Blog


With the thousands or millions of sites that show up when someone does a search for your product, what makes you stand out above all others? Here's a cold, hard fact: anyone can have a super slick website produced with all the high speed internet bells and whistles that entice a web surfer to show up, but we all know that people tend to buy over and over again from people they know, like and trust. When you can't meet your customers face-to-face, developing an online relationship with them is the difference between a sale and no sale. This is where the "business blog" can come into play with absolute magnificence.

This kind of blog allows you to build a relationship with your customers. You can express your personal thoughts on a subject and even give away personal information that lets others get to know you a little better. You can interact with people online by accepting their comments on your blog posts and responding to them by name with further insights into their remarks. There are several free blogging platforms that are user-friendly if your current webhost does not have it available. All you need is a computer, a high speed internet connection and a willingness to "talk" to your public.

Here are some findings from recent studies in consumer habits:

Since 2002 the number of people that search for a product or service online at least once a day has risen by about 50%
Daily searches online have increased by 70% from 2002 to 2008
More people do online searches for products or services than for the weather, news, hobby researching or entertainment
As an advertising medium the internet outshines print Yellow Pages and local resources for consumers seeking products and services

The search engine optimization strategies and the high speed internet gimmicks can be applied to your blog just as easily as they were used on your primary corporate site. You'll get the traffic to your blog site, but because you are using it for "relationship marketing" you have the advantage of developing a loyal customer base. Surfers will simply like the new content that gets posted on your blog regularly, which means that they come to your site more often, subscribe to your RSS feed and newsletters. This is more exposure for the products you are selling. This is a prime example of when "keeping it personal" is good for business.

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Blogger BlogNet56630: Dec 4, 2008

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