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Favorite Travel Destinations & Dishes Abroad, Unforgettable Places Overseas


As a worldwide traveler disenchanted with American consumerism and individualism, I prefer spending Thanksgiving among the poor overseas where the true meaning of thankfulness can be felt from the heart. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, Americans want to embrace and experience their world.

Favorite Thanksgiving destinations abroad are Costa Rica, the Caribbean Islands, the Orient, and Eastern Europe all of which you can get treated like family upon arrival and get more bang for your buck despite the decline of the dollar.

Must taste foods overseas are:

Costa Rica - ceviche (a phenomenal culinary delight - fish marinated and cooked in lemon juice)

Caribbean - jerk chicken and conch chowder

Orient - Tom kha gai (coconut milk soup with seafood) and Beijing duck

Eastern Europe - borsh (a Russian or Polish soup usually containing beet juice and beef)

Even if you can't get away and travel abroad for the holidays, try some new cuisine to thrill your taste buds! There are many international fusion restaurants that combine the best of certain ethnic cuisines in which you are sure to find something every family member will enjoy.

Best of all is the cultural experience in which you can learn about the way other nationalities cook, eat, and interact. I find this to be priceless and most enjoyable. Truly global travel has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. It has enlarged my heart and enabled me to embrace my world.

Imagine a world without war. Perhaps global peace will begin when we all start traveling to one another's countries and eating at the same culinary table.

Paul Davis is a highly sought after professional speaker, life purpose coach, worldwide minister, and change master.

Paul is the author of several books including United States of Arrogance, Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul's organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitates destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:

Australia Holidays

A blown head gasket can be a costly repair any way you look at it, but there are some ways to make sure you get the most value out of your repair. The first thing to do is to make sure the diagnosis is correct. Then, find a reputable dealership or repair shop to handle the repair, preferably one that has a lot of experience in engine rebuilds and head gasket repair. Then, with the tips following, be sure to ask a few key questions to make sure the repair is done correctly.

The diagnosis can be a little tricky depending on how bad the head gasket is. If it is beginning to fail, the signs will be moderate, and will typically be a slight overheating, or a small amount of white smoke coming from the exhaust. If the gasket is completely gone, it will be obvious due to the rough idle, or it wont run at all. If it does run, there will be a large amount of white smoke coming from the exhaust. If the head gasket blows while driving, the biggest thing to watch out for is the temperature. Higher temps can quickly damage an engine by causing warping of the heads or the block, or even cracking. The sooner the engine is stopped after realizing the head gasket is blown, the better the chances of rebuilding the top end without major consequences.

The person or shop that performs the rebuild should know to check for warping of the block surface, the head surface, and to check for cracks in the head. These checks may cost a little more, but the consequences can be much more costly in the end if they are not checked. If the block is slightly warped, do ahead and have it flattened; if the head needs to be repaired, it can be decked to get the surface straight again. If the head is cracked, it will probably need to be replaced, but some have had success welding and repairing them. It depends on the location of the crack.

Once the parts are cleaned and/or repaired, its time to have it assembled. Most shops will know to torque the heads down to specs, and to use all new studs on the head. This helps make sure that the head is fastened on securely. Using the old studs can create a situation where the head is not properly torqued because the studs will stretch when they are torques. Old stud have already been stretched, so the torque value will be different than a new stud. You can see the difference in the treads if you hold the two studs up together.

These are a few things to look out for when having a head gasket repaired. You can look to spend between 1200 and 2000 depending on how much work needs to be done. Don't make the mistake in paying a discounted price for less experienced work. The results will cost you.

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Hot Landscaping Tips For A Long Hot Summer


The warm weather season is now upon us. Fun in the sun, swimming, and outdoor activities are in. But, is it possible to successfully sell your home with all the summer heat? Well, selling your home when temperatures soar can be challenging, especially keeping your outside landscaping in tip-top shape.

Studies have shown that homes that have an attractive and well-maintained landscape have a better chance of getting the price you desire and then some.
Potential buyers expect to see your home in the best condition it can be. So taking the time to go the extra mile when it comes to your yard's appearance is very important.

Adequately watering your lawn to keep it lush and green is vital for giving that inviting first impression so needed in today's real estate market. Giving your lawn an adequate hand soaking with a hose, covering all the bare spots that your sprinkler may miss can help green it up during hot spells.

Remember to avoid mowing your lawn to close during the summer months. Always keep grass an extra inch above normal during the hot weather, to avoid "burning" the grass. A nice soaking immediately after you mow will help revive your lawn.

Try not to water your lawn, or any other plants and flowers too late in the evening. Watering at night can encourage growth of diseases and can threaten the appearance of your plants and lawn; making it difficult to keep that well-maintained appearance you need for an easy sale.

Brighten up your front entry with a few pots of annual flowers. Heat loving flowers like orange marigolds, petunias and a mixture of bright colored zinnias are great for a quick fix. Also available at most home improvement centers is already assembled arrangements in east to lift plastic pots to give some instant color to your yard wherever needed.

Always keep potted flowers watered well to prevent wilting. On particularly warm days, a saucer full of water underneath the pot will help the plants thrive in the scorching heat. To keep your flowers looking fresh and to ensure the healthy production of beautiful blooms, deadheading is most important. Using small pruning shears or sharp household scissors clip the dead blooms off or merely pinch off with your fingers. This will keep the flowers looking well groomed at all times. This procedure will also work with all your perennial flowering plants, bearing in mind that some perennials have a short blooming time.

During hot spells, some plants fail to bloom during this time, but it is still important to keep them watered and well groomed. Avoid severe pruning of hedges and shrubs during hot spells. This can cause browning at the top and sides where trimming was done.

Nothing says "stop and look" more than a beautifully landscaped front yard. Making a statement with form and color in the front yard will give you the edge you need in today's competitive real estate market.

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Even the most seasoned gardener can grow weary of seeing the same vegetable plants day in and day out in their garden, making gardens and gardening sound like such a boring activity. It has happened to me - and I grow some of the most gorgeous veggies this side of Whole Foods. It wasn't until a well-meaning neighbor stopped by one morning that I realized I could make my garden much more beautiful with the addition of a few perennial flowers. The best news of all is that it wouldn't mean any extra gardening work for me.

Perennials are strong and generally local flowering plants that come back year after year. Unlike annuals, they don't need to be replanted. Instead, the plants simply die back in their off season, only to return the following year with fresh, beautiful blooms for all to enjoy.

Before you Plant Perennials in your Garden

It is strongly advised that before you go through the effort to plant perennials in your garden, you ensure that the potential planting area as adequate soil drainage. If water sits in the area for longer than a few hours after a rain, you may be better off using a raised bed.

To test, simply dig a hole about 6 inches deep and fill it with water. Wait about twenty-four hours and fill it with water once again. In no more than ten hours, the hole should be dry. If not, the drainage isn't optimal for perennials and you should consider raised beds, or another area in your garden.

Picking the Right Perennials

The fact that there are thousands of choices does not need to make the selection of perennials for your garden a complicated process. For optimum beauty for as long as possible, you should think about when and for how long each plant will be in bloom, and select a variety of plants that will bloom at different times. Otherwise your garden will look great this month and dormant the next putting all your gardens and gardening efforts to waste.

The good news is that gardens and gardening centers can often take the guesswork out of the equation and most nurseries can give you excellent advice as to what will grow well and complement each other in your particular growing zone. You can also look into one of the wonderful perennial seed mixes that will make your work absolutely simple.

When you do get to the planting portion of your efforts, you should mulch the area around your perennial garden well. This will reduce the onset of weeds and greatly increase the water retention. While store-bought bark mulch is acceptable, so are pine needles - especially when you can get them at no cost from your own yard.

In the end, the choice of which perennials are right for you is a combination of which ones will do best in your area and which sizes, shapes and colors will make you the happiest. Stop by the local garden center, pick up some perennials and start adding some trouble-free color to your gardens and gardening efforts now!

D. R. Tessley

For more information and resources on gardens and gardening, visit My Garden Site

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Every homeowner has a fear of losing his home due to flood or earthquake or any other unavoidable circumstances. One way to remain tension free would be to take an insurance policy which gives you protection of your home against any man made or natural disaster. This insurance is a contract between a homeowner and an insurance company in which you need to pay the premiums. A standard policy insures the home as well as the things which are kept in it.

A home insurance not only protects your home but also protects you against liability claims of injury. So it also covers the damage caused by household pets or in case of a theft in your house. This is a necessary investment as you need to protect your home from unexpected events like fires, theft, storms, etc. To find the best policy, one needs to do comparison shopping. Browse the variety of websites and compare what each company can provide for the premium you quote. Shop around for the best homeowners insurance rate and save a lot of your hard earned money.

Homeowner's insurance is the perfect way to protect your house which you have bought with your hard earned money. Even if you have a small house, it is your treasured asset. So, you need to ensure that you get the best homeowners' insurance policy for yourself. Make sure that your policy covers your home under the "all risks" clause. A good home insurance policy in place will protect you from a sudden calamity and other unfortunate events which can damage your home. Apart from financial protection, one can also get peace of mind as his or her home is protected against every unfortunate events.

Always read the policy carefully and clear out what your insurance doesn't cover. It should cover you for everything inside your home like furniture, clothes, curtains, etc. The cost of insurance varies depending on the size of the house, value of personal possessions, type of house and the area in which you live. So, go online and find different insurance providers competing against each other. You just need to compare their services and then select the one that suits you. Also take time to visit some home insurance quote sites offering quotes on insurance policies.

Andrena Markley is the webmaster of Get latest information on life insurance and home insurance. Apply for free insurance quotes.

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How to Tell If a Cat is Pregnant


How can you tell if your beloved cat is pregnant and carrying young? One common sign for suspecting owners is when your Queen starts lavishing more affection on you than what is usual for her. Increased progesterone levels will often make a cat more relaxed and people friendly.

Because a feline is only pregnant for about nine weeks, changes usually occur fairly quickly; many newly pregnant cats appear to be slightly unwell and a perceptive owner will likely pick up on this fact.


(1) Increased appetite, weight gain and lessened activity.

(2) The nipples tend to "pink up" after two weeks of being bred. A marked intensity in color may occur if this is her first litter.

(3) The cat's abdomen will have a more rounded appearance and will be especially noticeable as being larger in the last third of pregnancy.

(4) Engorgement in the mammary glands occurs.

By the fourth week, a Veterinarian should be able to detect the growing kittens through abdominal palpitations. An X-ray at this time may confirm any suspicions and number of young carried. Alternatively, an ultrasound as early as two weeks can confirm if your cat is pregnant.

Be aware that if you have a cat who has come in and out of heat and then suddenly seems to stop cycling, she may indeed be pregnant.

Towards the end of a pregnancy a cat will often seem especially restless as she hunts for a good nesting place in order to give birth.

As a rule of thumb, if your Queen's behavior changes markedly at any point it may be indicative of a pregnancy as her hormone levels fluctuate in preparation for the growing new life inside.

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Blogger BlogNet56630: Aug 26, 2008

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